What is the treatment method for the terrazzo floor pollution lesions?


Since there is rust in the terrazzo, it may be polluted and cause macular lesions on the surface. What is the treatment method for the terrazzo floor pollution lesions?

1. There are usually two types of rust spots on the terrazzo floor. One is rust on the terrazzo floor caused by foreign rusty sewage. The other is that when the terrazzo floor is attacked by water, the iron compound in the material is further oxidized and diffused. If you have a special terrazzo cleaning agent at home, you can use a professional terrazzo cleaning agent to brush and clean the floor. After cleaning, wipe it dry with a rag and rinse it again with clean water. After the floor is completely dry, apply a layer of floor wax With wax, the terrazzo floor will be more shiny. 

2. If there is no cleaning agent at home, use ordinary washing powder water or laundry detergent to clean. If it is difficult, you can use toilet cleaners, toilet cleaners, etc. that are commonly used to clean the bathroom. You can use a hard brush for cleaning tools, but the second method will wear the terrazzo floor to a certain extent, and it is generally not recommended to use this method. Because this is determined by the material or chemical composition of the terrazzo itself. 3. There is no one kind of ground that does not do daily maintenance and maintains the original state when it was first produced or just laid. Whether it is terrazzo, marble, granite, microcrystalline stone, quartz stone, vitrified tiles, polished tiles, artificial stone and other floors, or emery, epoxy floor, epoxy terrazzo or other forms of cement-cured floors, daily maintenance is required. maintained. Only by performing correct daily floor cleaning and maintenance, can the floor be kept clean and bright for a long time. 

terrazzo floor

How to clean and maintain the terrazzo floor?

Many people think that the terrazzo floor is wear-resistant, and they will use metal utensils, such as steel wool balls, when cleaning it. In fact, this will have a huge destructive effect on it. The treatment method for terrazzo floor pollution is as above. If it is found, it can be solved so that it will not affect the surface.

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